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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Wallpaper with Illustrator

Illustrator is a perfect program to create drawings, patterns for clothes, web looks, and so much more on a simple way. Personally, I love this program and creating a spring wallpaper is more easy than throwing a rock to the floor.

1.- Set up Illustrator file to 1024x768


2.-  Name your first layer “Sky”, next we proceed to create the sky. Now we have to set up the gradient of blues on the sky. Once the gradient is selected, it needs to be radial, with three types of blues, from the darkest to the lighter. (You decide which blues you feel like to use). . With the shape tool (ctrl+m or cmnd+m) create a rectangle that covers the whole canvas. Now select the gradient tool to move the radius of the gradient to the right upper corner. 
a            b.


3. Now we are going to create the sun. Create a new layer and call it sun. On the shape tool(as in the previous step), select the ellipse shape and create a circle on the clearest part of the sky. Add gradient with three types of yellow. Put the radius on the center. Add a feather effect (select on the menu on the left upper side the tab-Effect+Stylize+Feather ) on the sun of 7.

a.       b.



4. Create a new layer and name it grass. Next, select the shape tool with a rectangle shape and apply it on the bottom of the canvas. Select the gradient color to apply different tones of green. Put 99 on radius. As in step 3 apply a feather effect but this time of 3. Try to make it big enough as the index finger.


5. Now let’s give some life to the sky and apply some clouds to it.  Open a new layer and call it clouds. To create clouds, with the ellipse tool put three different sizes of ellipses on the sky. Make sure it has a stroke black and fill white.


6. Now select the first three shapes of ellipses and click the shape builder tool to build the cloud. Once selected, zomm to 300% so you could see all the extra lines. All you need to select is the stroke extra lines inside and once done, click on the stroke color to clear it. To create the other one, just click control or command+c and then control or command+v to copy and paste the cloud. Now that it is pasted we need to reflect it.  To reflect only right click on the selected object, then click transform, and finally click reflect. Select 90 degrees vertical and hit ok.




7. Now let’s put some trees. Create a new layer and name it trees. Next, select the symbol sprayer tool. Now click symbols and open nature library. Select trees2 and put two on the top left corner of the grass. As in step 6 to one of them apply reflection




8. Now create a new layer name it grass 3 and with the symbol sprayer select nature+grass2 and click and hold on the right bottom part of the grass for 3 sec. While spraying go from right to left a bit. Now on the same place where we sprayed grass, we are going to spray Calla Lilly from the symbol library of flowers.  In addition, select two butterflies and resize them according to the perspective and reality on their size. For the birds, select the brush tool and stroke+fill black. Now just draw simple arced strokes.



9. Based on reality consider size. Now zoom to 130% and select the ellipse tool and make the body with an ellipse. Now we create a circle for the head. Add a small ellipse on a diagonal position for the nose area. As for the foot, draw a slim ellipse on the bottom. The tale is just a small circle at the back. To make the bonny come alive we have to add shadow to the ear, a pink nose, a blue eye, and a mouth. For the mouth select the pencil too and select the color brown. Next draw an arc on the nose area.


 b.                    c.

 d.                                                        e.

 g.                                                                                    h.



10.  Finally either save it, or make it public by creating an account in .

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