Tv is my life

If like me you are one of those who enjoy having a bowl of popcorn on your lap and watch a movie or episode, this is the best place to know what to see on Tv!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Once Upon a Time Season 1


As the tale starts, "Once upon a time" this amazing Tv show appears to be the beginning of a thrilling tale.
From the get go this episode started with our prince charming coming to the rescue of his princess. At their wedding the evil witch made her presence noted and vow to all the people in the room that from tomorrow things were going to change and that everyone was going to pay.Snow white still worried because of the evil witch threats decided to talk to Rumpelstiltskin to look for the answers she needed.
Rumpelstiltskin is also a wizard, and apparently a bad one and dangerous because he is imprisoned.  He said the witch had set a curse on all the kingdom to make them suffer through time with no happy endings. According to the wizard, the only salvation to all was her unborn baby girl. He said to her that she needed to protect that baby from the curse and the witch.One of the advantages that he told there would be is that if Emma is gone the witch would forget thanks to her spell about her, but at the same time will everyone forget who they were.
With nothing else to say the fairies worked together to create a closet powerful enough to send the baby far away. The curse spread the same day Emma was born, for that reason only the baby could be sent away.  Just in time Emma's father,prince Charming, gave almost his last breath to put her on the closet.
On Emma's 28 birthday she wished not to be alone.  Her son appeared at the door that night claiming she needed to safe the characters from a book. She needed to help him safe the Kingdom.

This show jumps from tale to reality relating the characers of the princess "Snow White" with Mary the teacher, the witch with Mayor Regina Mills, the baby all tried to save from a curse Emma  with herself 28 years later, the prince with David Nolan a comatose patience that Mary takes care of.
 All the story is from Snow White's tale, but the difference here is that is about what happened after she was saved. In addition, here we have a mix of all the bed time stories;  Pinocchio and yepeto, red ridding hood and her granny, the cricket, Rumpelstiltskin as Mr. Gold the owner of the town they all live now, and the Grumpy dwarf to help the kingdom.

To watch this episode go to:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Wallpaper with Illustrator

Illustrator is a perfect program to create drawings, patterns for clothes, web looks, and so much more on a simple way. Personally, I love this program and creating a spring wallpaper is more easy than throwing a rock to the floor.

1.- Set up Illustrator file to 1024x768


2.-  Name your first layer “Sky”, next we proceed to create the sky. Now we have to set up the gradient of blues on the sky. Once the gradient is selected, it needs to be radial, with three types of blues, from the darkest to the lighter. (You decide which blues you feel like to use). . With the shape tool (ctrl+m or cmnd+m) create a rectangle that covers the whole canvas. Now select the gradient tool to move the radius of the gradient to the right upper corner. 
a            b.


3. Now we are going to create the sun. Create a new layer and call it sun. On the shape tool(as in the previous step), select the ellipse shape and create a circle on the clearest part of the sky. Add gradient with three types of yellow. Put the radius on the center. Add a feather effect (select on the menu on the left upper side the tab-Effect+Stylize+Feather ) on the sun of 7.

a.       b.



4. Create a new layer and name it grass. Next, select the shape tool with a rectangle shape and apply it on the bottom of the canvas. Select the gradient color to apply different tones of green. Put 99 on radius. As in step 3 apply a feather effect but this time of 3. Try to make it big enough as the index finger.


5. Now let’s give some life to the sky and apply some clouds to it.  Open a new layer and call it clouds. To create clouds, with the ellipse tool put three different sizes of ellipses on the sky. Make sure it has a stroke black and fill white.


6. Now select the first three shapes of ellipses and click the shape builder tool to build the cloud. Once selected, zomm to 300% so you could see all the extra lines. All you need to select is the stroke extra lines inside and once done, click on the stroke color to clear it. To create the other one, just click control or command+c and then control or command+v to copy and paste the cloud. Now that it is pasted we need to reflect it.  To reflect only right click on the selected object, then click transform, and finally click reflect. Select 90 degrees vertical and hit ok.




7. Now let’s put some trees. Create a new layer and name it trees. Next, select the symbol sprayer tool. Now click symbols and open nature library. Select trees2 and put two on the top left corner of the grass. As in step 6 to one of them apply reflection




8. Now create a new layer name it grass 3 and with the symbol sprayer select nature+grass2 and click and hold on the right bottom part of the grass for 3 sec. While spraying go from right to left a bit. Now on the same place where we sprayed grass, we are going to spray Calla Lilly from the symbol library of flowers.  In addition, select two butterflies and resize them according to the perspective and reality on their size. For the birds, select the brush tool and stroke+fill black. Now just draw simple arced strokes.



9. Based on reality consider size. Now zoom to 130% and select the ellipse tool and make the body with an ellipse. Now we create a circle for the head. Add a small ellipse on a diagonal position for the nose area. As for the foot, draw a slim ellipse on the bottom. The tale is just a small circle at the back. To make the bonny come alive we have to add shadow to the ear, a pink nose, a blue eye, and a mouth. For the mouth select the pencil too and select the color brown. Next draw an arc on the nose area.


 b.                    c.

 d.                                                        e.

 g.                                                                                    h.



10.  Finally either save it, or make it public by creating an account in .

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Season 2 Finale Face Off

Yesterday was the season finale of the thrilling show "Face Off". After a dozen of make up transformations it came down to the three finalist. Bryce, RJ, and Ian were the last ones. each three of them improved through out the whole program. On this final spotlight challege, the previouses makeup artists were brought to help the finalist create not one but three full makeups.

Bryce's had to be focused on space. He created light to shadows putting in between a two faces character. Rj's creation was focused on fantasy. He created a Phoenix hybrid, a mother nature, and a Alchemist. His Phoenix character was so realistic that the judges were really impressed. Ian's creations were focused on demonic characters. He went out of the box by creating a white demon and his two hellhounds.
There is now doubt that the judges had to make a tough decision. At the end the winner was Bryce. He was excited and you could tell it by his face.
This season got to its end but do not worry on summer it will return with more transformations.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Tonight on Sy-Fy

At 9:00 pm is All new Being Human.

                                                   Followed by Lost girl at 10:00.

The Vampire Diaries Epi 15

All My Children

The day of the final ritual has come. The original witch talked to the Bennett witch line, Bonnie and her mom to let them know how things needed to be done in order to be a success. Bonnie and her mom agreed on the terms and started to gather their force for the big night ahead. Damon decided that sleeping with Klaus's sister was what he and she needed to forget about their heart problems. For this reason, the day after the ball when Elena decided to go and talk to him about what had happened the previous night she saw Rebeccah leaving the Salvatore's house. Damon was coming to close the door when he realized tht Elena was there. She sounded a little jealus first telling him that Rebecah just tried to kill her and he was sleeping with her. But then once Rebecah was gone and he got close to Elena to ask her if she was jealous, she snaped and said no, that she just was impressed how her safety was really important for him( In my opinion you'd better stayed quiet and it would have been better).

 Steffan entered the livingroom and the focus went back to the big night that was coming that day. They planned with Caroline thanks to her advantages with Klaus that she needed to be with him and keep him busy so that he would not suspect anything. On the other hand, since the ball Klaus suspected that something was going on and when he asked Elena at the ball, he did not fully believed it.
At the same time, again Elenas guilt attacked when she saw Ellijah at her car. He asked her to come with him because he needed to talk to her. They were deep on the woods when he asked her one more time about his mother plan. Elena repeated that she said how much she cared about her sons and that wanted to make everything back to normal. Elijah said that he new she was lying by the beating of her heart. At this point Elena gave in and told him the truth. Elijah was prepared for the occasion and brought rebeca with him to make sure Elena would not run away from the under cave he put her.
Meanwhile, the Salvatore brothers were talking to Alaric about the plan to make him aware of it and his part on it. Alaric had to stab the jungest brother of the originals who was with Klaus at the bar. In order to do this, Caroline had to step in to separate Klaus from his brother.

Ellijah called Damon from Elena's phone to let him know that if they did not stop his mother Rebeccah was going to kill Elena. Damon and Stefan were raging and threatened him, but at the end had to give in to save Elena. They started thinking how to stop the ritual but at the end time was closing on them and the only solution they found was to brake the Bennett generation. Braking the Bennett generation meat to make one of them a Vampire. Sadly again Bonnie had to pay the price for involving herself between vampires and her mother was turned into one. Klaus and all his brother's realized the plan and came to their mother who was abandoned by the witches from the other side also. The circle were she was extended its flames and blocked the vampires vision for a moment. Once the fire extinguished their mother was not there. Thanks to the enchanted cave near the one Elena was in she got out of reach from Rebeccah's hand and talked her out of burning Elena alive. At the end Rebeccah told her that she enjoyed more watching little by little how someone suffers to death and that that was going to happened to Elena.

Vampire Diaries Epi 14

Dangerous Liaisons

Elena, Damon, and Stefan are discussing the possible consequences that opening Klause's fourth coffin was maybe not a good idea. The person that was in it was an original witch who happened to be Klaus's mother. Once Klaus saw his mom he thought she was going to kill him. However, she wanted her family to be together again. Klaus is trying to get Coraline's attention. He for the first time is being a gentleman and opening to someone else. The problem is that at the same time Caroline is not a big fan of him thanks to all the bad things his done; starting with her ex-boyfriend Tyler.
Behind her sons back the original witch talked to Elena on a ball that was offered by the new family in town. This new family of course wasn't that new, they were the original vampires.
Elena took some risks with Stefan by making Damon go out of the way. The only way to do that was by knocking him out. Not wasting any second, Elena went and met with the witch. The vampire's mother told her that even though she loved her children, she could not let them live. The first part of the ritual consisted on a drop of Elena's blood in a mixture of herbs combined with a spell to make all the brother united. What the part of united meant was that whatever happened to one will happened to all. At this point Elena felt a little guilty because Ellijah was the only one of them that grew on her because of his behavior, good intentions, and help.

Once the meeting was off, Elena returned to the ball and Damon flew to her to demand what she was think. He was furious because she did not either trusted him enough to tell him her plans or she was stupid enough to go to the lions mouth unprotected. Once she heard al this plus what just happened on the room, she could no take it anymore and snaped o the wrong person telling him that maybe the problem was that he cared to much for her. And just like that Damon's expression changed, his features hardened and his cocky smile returned. He said that maybe she was right and by the time she realized what had had just happened it was to late to apologize. Mean while the jungest original vampire was going after Matt's blood to make his sister learn a lesson.
Damon full of rage found out and stopped the vampire. The only problem was that his way of stopping was to jump with him off the balcony and almost twisting his head. Once on the floor all the vampires and Elena heard the noises and rush outside just in time to stop Damon. All he got to say was his cocky smile and "well I guess the old Damon is back".